torsdag 25 november 2010

A toast for the douchebags

En konversation från i förmiddags:

S: Hur översätter man "douchebag" till svenska egentligen?
L: Haha, jag vet inte!
S: Alltså "bag" är ju då väska, men vad fan är "doche" för något?
L: Jaa. Jag, vet inte.
S: Hmm. Ja, "dochebag" är väl någon slags väska då helt enkelt.
L: Haha. Ja, en väska! Skål för docheväskorna!

onsdag 24 november 2010

Weekend - The '81 demos

Om du endast ska äga en enda officiellt utgiven demoskiva från ett sidoprojekt till en kultförklarad postpunksgrupp - då är det den här.

söndag 21 november 2010

Mon dieu!

The Tellers - Like I say

onsdag 17 november 2010

Ett öppet brev till Teenage Fanclub

Dear Teenage Fanclub,

I've been a huge fan of yours ever since I heard "Sparky's Dream" about seven or eight years ago, and on friday i will attend your show at Debaser Medis in Stockholm. It will be the first time I will see you guys live and i'm extremely excited. I know that you've been in Stockholm a couple of times during the past eight years but i've unfortunatly been unable to attend those shows. I was abroad when you played the Accelerator Festival in 2005, and already had tickets to see Antony & the Johnsons at Chinateatern the same day you played Debaser Slussen the year after that.

Anyways. I thought it would be fun to write down a few songs that I would like to hear you play on friday, so please keep this setlist in mind when you decide on which songs you are going to play.

Sometimes I don't need to believe in anything
Neil jung
Ain't that enough
Mellow doubt
Baby lee
Did I say
Your love is the place where I come from
It's all in my mind
When I still have thee
The town and the city
Don't look back
Take the long way round
Sparky's dream
Everything flows


Sweet days waiting
Star sign
The concept

Yours sincerely,


tisdag 16 november 2010

onsdag 10 november 2010

måndag 8 november 2010

torsdag 4 november 2010